Drinking & Driving accident

Drinking & Driving

A new study indicates that alcohol may cause older drivers to become impaired faster, putting others at risk. It is natural for the body to begin to slow down the older people become. For those living in New York, this can include having less energy or developing health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. However,…
Diferencias entre las demandas por negligencia médica y por homicidio culposo

Diferencias entre negligencia médica y homicidio culposo

When an individual dies from medical malpractice, financial compensation for their wrongful death may be sought. There are two avenues of relief for surviving family members: a medical malpractice claim or a wrongful death action. Oftentimes, filing a wrongful death lawsuit makes the most sense. Knowing the differences and similarities between medical malpractice and wrongful death…
Can You Sue Your Landlord for Mold?

Can You Sue Your Landlord for Mold?

The dangers of mold plague the homes of renters across the US. Mold can appear as several types of fungus—most of which can cause serious health problems in humans when inhaled or ingested. When landlords fail to remove mold or maintain a mold-averse environment in their properties, they may be held liable for negligence in…