personal injury lawyers in new york, new jersey and connecticut

Personal Injury Lawyers

Representing injured clients across NY, NJ and Illinois
who seek compensation for injuries caused by negligence.

High medical costs, lost hours and wages from being out of work, and other damages, make it expensive to get injured. Filing a personal injury case can help those who are injured due to the negligence of another party.

In these cases, having an experienced and trusted personal injury attorney by your side to maximize your settlement can help you recover financially, enhance your physical recovery, and increase your quality of life. For a free case evaluation from a dedicated injury lawyer, call 855-GOT-SOBO or contact them online.

What is a ‘Personal Injury?’

A personal injury case is a legal dispute that’s pursuable if one individual is harmed via an accident at least partially caused by another party. The guilty party may have acted negligently in order to cause the accident. However, negligence isn’t the only basis on which a case can rest.

No matter the cause, a personal injury case only proceeds when the injured party starts the process to bring the person or organization they believe to be responsible for their injuries to court.

Opiniones de Google

Isabella Johaneman
Isabella Johaneman
8 de marzo de 2024
¡El mejor bufete de accidentes de coche! ¡¡Super atentos y serviciales!!
Lana M
Lana M
6 de marzo de 2024
Craig Fine era maravilloso para trabajar con mi caso de indemnización de los trabajadores. Se movió a lo largo de las cosas que se estancaron, y siempre fue cortés y sensible. Mi caso ha sido resuelto y estoy muy agradecido de haber tenido su ayuda en el camino.
lisa ferrara
lisa ferrara
2 de marzo de 2024
¡Great service very professional and helphul!
Anita Williams
Anita Williams
28 de febrero de 2024
Gran experiencia, estaban al tanto de todo y muy informativos.
Tracy Meade
Tracy Meade
26 de febrero de 2024
Muy profesional me ayudó en cada paso del camino , explicó todos los detalles que nunca habría sabido por mi cuenta. Estoy muy agradecido.
Jazmín Espinosa
Jazmín Espinosa
25 de febrero de 2024
I highly recommend Jeana Pinto if you're looking for a great real estate attorney. She and her colleagues helped me understand everything involved with selling a home that was inherited. I'm so glad I found attorneys who could help me understand this process. Thank you, Jeana and Silvia.
Jodi Grassi
Jodi Grassi
25 de febrero de 2024
Jeana Pinto of Sobo & Sobo is a great Real Estate attorney. Her entire team are so responsive and professional. I've worked with them on multiple transactions and I always recommend them to family and friends. Plus, as a licensed real estate dalesperson it is important to have quality attorneys to work with and recommend.
Jodi Donegan
Jodi Donegan
25 de febrero de 2024
Jeana Pinto es una abogada increíble. Tiene muchos conocimientos y es muy profesional. He tenido el placer de trabajar con ella y su equipo en muchos tratos, ya que ha representado a muchos clientes para nuestro equipo. Cuando llegó el momento de seleccionar un abogado, para mi propia compra, ni siquiera tuve que pensarlo. Ella era mi única opción. No me arrepiento de haberla elegido y ahora sé personalmente por qué los clientes aman a Jeana. La compra de casa más fácil que he hecho. ¡Gracias Jeana!

Personal Injury Case Timeline

You got hurt.

Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered.
  • An accident occurs causing an injury. This can be any type of accident (motor vehicle, slip/trip and fall, construction, dog bite, or other) as long as it was at least partially the fault of someone or something else, and caused an injury.
Sobo & Sobo Abogados de accidentes de tráfico

Proceso de admisión

  • El equipo de respuesta de Sobo & Sobo reúne las pruebas necesarias y se asegura de que se cubran las facturas médicas. Las primeras 24-48 horas después de un accidente son críticas para preservar la evidencia, notificar a las compañías de seguros adecuadas, y cobrar los beneficios disponibles. El equipo de respuesta de Sobo & Sobo está capacitado para garantizar que su caso comience con el pie derecho.
Sobo & Sobo Abogado de Lesiones Personales Proceso de Admisión

Historiales médicos recopilados

  • In personal injury law, claims are often evaluated based on what is written in the medical records. Sobo & Sobo has trained professionals who are dedicated to obtaining your medical records quickly and efficiently. Sobo & Sobo will pay for the records and only gets reimbursed if the firm wins the case.
historial médico de la víctima de lesiones personales

Comienza el debate sobre el acuerdo

  • A case can settle at any time. We carefully review the available medical records so we can include all the injuries in getting the maximum compensation for your case.
abogados de lesiones personales en nueva york discuten sus casos

Demanda presentada

  • If the case is not able to settle early, a lawsuit is filed (this does not mean the client ever had to go to court!). We believe in our clients and our cases. If the insurance company is not willing to settle early, Sobo & Sobo will file a lawsuit for you. Almost all cases do eventually settle without you ever having to go to Court.
abogado de lesiones personales que investiga el caso de un cliente


  • Intercambio de información entre las partes en el pleito, llamado "descubrimiento". El equipo legal de Sobo & Sobo se asegurará de que la fase de descubrimiento del litigio se desarrolle sin problemas, incluyendo el intercambio de los documentos requeridos y la obtención de los informes periciales adecuados.
abogado de lesiones personales trabaja con el cliente para cumplir los plazos


  • Con la ayuda del Tribunal, se llega a un acuerdo en casi todos los casos. Enhorabuena. Si aceptamos su caso, lo más probable es que consiga un acuerdo satisfactorio. En Sobo & Sobo, ganar juntos es lo que somos y lo que hacemos.
comprobación de la liquidación del cliente por daños personales
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Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims

Statutes of limitations are time frames within which a person can file a specific type of legal claim. Every state has its own statutes of limitations in place, with state-specific deadlines, rules and exceptions for filing different types of lawsuits.

For example, in New York, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is generally three years from the date of an injury. This means that a person has three years from the date they were injured to file a valid personal injury lawsuit against a negligent party.

In New Jersey and Illinois, the statue of limitations is generally two years from the date of the accident.

However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims can be affected by the age of the person at the time of the injury, and whether the person filing is considered legally incapacitated. In any case, it’s always best to consult with a personal injury attorney before filing in order to understand any legal complexities unique to your case.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

These are just a few examples, but personal injury can include any type of harm that resulted from another person’s negligence.

From single-car rollover accidents to head-on collisions, drivers and pedestrians who are victims of virtually any type of motor vehicle accident may be eligible for compensation.

Dog bites, slip (trip) and falls, and any other injury sustained due to the failure to follow safety standards by a third party may make victims eligible for compensation.

Employers are responsible for ensuring workers are equipped with proper safety tools and equipment. They are also responsible for making sure work areas are hazard-free. Workers injured due to the employer’s negligence to abide by safety standards may receive compensation for injuries, as well as lost wages from days spent out of work.

When manufacturers fail to implement proper safety measures, defective drugs and devices may be sold to unwary consumers. Those that are injured by these products may be eligible for compensation—especially those that are prescribed defective products by medical professionals.

All damages from surgical mishaps, faulty prescriptions and improperly administered medical devices all can be covered with compensation from a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Untimely deaths caused by the negligent acts of another person. Even if the negligent actions weren’t intentional, or the defendant didn’t have the intention to kill, they can still be held liable for any resulting deaths.

Winning Personal Injury Attorneys on Your Side

Sin honorarios a menos que ganemos

accidente de construccion abogado contacto

Common Injuries In Personal Injury Lawsuits

Virtually any injury sustained in an accident can be eligible for compensation, if the opposing party is found to be at least somewhat liable for the accident. Some of the most common types of injuries covered include:

Huesos rotos
Torn Ligaments and
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Head Injuries, Including Concussions
Piercings, Cuts and Lacerations
Disfigurement or Scarring
Permanent Disabilities
Burns or Abrasions
Loss of Sight and/or Hearing
Loss of Communicative and/or
Cognitive Abilities
Damage to Respiratory System,
Urinary System, or Gastrointestinal System
Lead Poisoning, or Other Types
of Poisoning Sickness

Learn More About Personal Injury


¿Ha sufrido lesiones en

Lo primero que debe hacer es acudir a un profesional médico y asegurarse de mencionar todas las áreas de dolor o lesión. Segundo: llame a Sobo & Sobo para asegurar sus derechos.

Es probable que haya sufrido lesiones personales si (1) ha sufrido un accidente que no ha sido totalmente culpa suya, y (2) ha sufrido una lesión como consecuencia del accidente.

La "Garantía Sin Honorarios" de Sobo & Sobo pone por escrito que nunca se cobra a menos que el bufete gane dinero para el cliente.

El término "sin culpa" hace referencia al sistema legal que obliga a la compañía de seguros del vehículo que usted ocupa a pagar determinadas prestaciones, como facturas médicas y salarios perdidos, independientemente de quién haya causado el accidente. Nueva York, por ejemplo, tiene una ley de no culpabilidad que obliga a la compañía de seguros del vehículo que ocupas a pagar las prestaciones aunque ese vehículo no haya causado el accidente.

Hay diferentes estatutos de limitaciones en Nueva York, y excepciones que pueden añadir tiempo adicional. Aunque cada caso es diferente, el plazo de prescripción en Nueva York para las demandas por lesiones personales es de tres años a partir de la fecha del accidente.