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Elmiron Lawsuit Lawyers

defective elmiron medication lawsuits

The manufacturers of Elmiron —the only drug currently approved by the FDA to treat interstitial cystitis (IC)— are being litigated against, accused of being responsible for causing unexpected vision loss.  Janssen Pharmaceuticals, the company behind the interstitial cystitis drug Elmiron, is now facing accusations of distributing a dangerous bladder medication because reports involving varying degrees of retinal damage have become more frequent.

If you or someone you know has been taking Elmiron and have fallen ill, or are experiencing unexpected vision loss, you may be eligible for compensation for any pain and suffering that is directly caused by this drug. 

If you would like to consider your legal options, schedule a free consultation with a legal expert in defective drug cases by calling 855-468-7626, or visit one of our offices in New York, New Jersey or Chicago, IL. Attorneys at Sobo & Sobo are currently helping victims of Elmiron medication get the compensation they deserve to help cover relevant medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

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Síntomas de la pérdida de visión por Elmiron

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms after using Elmiron for an extended period of time, you may be eligible for compensation:

  • Visión borrosa
  • Dificultad para leer o ver objetos lejanos
  • Dificultad para ver objetos cercanos
  • Visión borrosa o falta de sensibilidad a la luz
  • Metamorfopsia: defecto que hace que los objetos lineales parezcan redondeados o curvos.
  • Pérdida de visión puntual en el centro del campo visual
  • Dificultad para adaptarse a niveles bajos de luz
  • Vasos sanguíneos anormales alrededor de la mácula
  • Hiperpigmentación (manchas oscuras) alrededor o en la retina
  • Depósitos viteliformes, que parecen lesiones amarillentas bajo la mácula.

How Elmiron Causes Macular Degeneration

Elmiron has been linked to several cases of vision loss, including a condition called pigmentary maculopathy. Also called macular degeneration, pigmentary maculopathy occurs when deposits of drusen, a toxin, build up in eye tissue. These deposits can lead to varying degrees of macular degeneration, from loss of visual clarity to total blindness.

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Presentar una demanda contra Elmiron

Attorneys at Sobo & Sobo are currently helping victims of the dangerous bladder medication get the compensation they deserve to help cover:

  • Relevant medical expenses, 
  • Lost wages from being out of work, 
  • Pain and suffering, 
  • And all other damages related to Paraquat.

Leading mass tort lawyers are currently accepting cases from those who took Elmiron for at least two years and are now suffering vision problems. For a plaintiff to qualify for a lawsuit, their vision problems must have started while actively taking Elmiron or within a year of stopping treatment.

If you too are experiencing symptoms of vision loss after taking Elmiron, we can help. Attorneys at Sobo & Sobo are currently helping victims of Elmiron get the compensation they deserve to help cover damages, and ensure that the manufacturers of the bladder medication face justice.

If We Don’t Win Your Elmiron Lawsuit, You Don’t Pay.

Our attorneys have over 50 years of experience helping people receive compensation for defective drugs and devices including toxic Roundup and talcum powder products, as well as defective hernia mesh implants. Give us a call at 855-GOT-SOBO for a free consultation; our team of legal experts are ready to listen to your story, and fight for fair and equitable compensation for your suffering.

To learn more about the dangers of Elmiron, how it can harm the body, and your legal options for compensation, click here.

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