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Scaffold Accident Injury Lawyers

un accidente en un andamio causa lesiones

When a scaffold structure is poorly designed, built, or maintained, tragedies can happen. Whether a construction worker or a pedestrian passing by, scaffold injury lawyers represent anyone seeking compensation for injuries sustained in these types of accidents that are caused by another’s negligence. Their goal is to secure the highest injury settlement possible from the party liable for causing the accident to help cover all damages related to the accident.

Victims of scaffolding accidents that live in New York, New Jersey and Chicago, IL may speak with a scaffolding injury lawyer in a free consultation by calling 855-468-7626, or by scheduling an appointment online.

Scaffolding Injuries Covered by Injury Lawsuits


According to a 2019 study conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a federal organization that enforces safety regulations and studies national worker deaths, 36% of construction worker fatalities are caused by falls. Common types of falling cases include workers falling onto other workers, detaching from improperly-installed harnesses, falling through poorly-constructed scaffolding, and from unsteady ladders.

Entre las lesiones graves que suelen causar las caídas de altura se incluyen las siguientes:

  • Fracturas óseas
  • Fracturas de cráneo
  • Daños nerviosos
  • Fractura vertebral 
  • Rotura cardíaca o aórtica
  • Fractura de pelvis


Many scaffolding collapses can be prevented with adequate inspections and weight restriction compliance. Failure to enforce these safety protocols constitutes negligence. Using faulty materials to construct scaffolding is also a form of negligence. OSHA studies reveal that nearly one-third of NY State construction safety violations were for violations of the scaffolding injury prevention standards. 

Caída de objetos: 

Most states such as New York require netting to be installed on scaffolds to protect pedestrians and workers from falling debris. Falling objects and debris accidents frequently involve:

  • Equipos y herramientas caídos
  • Derrumbe del tejado o del techo
  • Caída de hormigón, vigas u otros materiales de construcción
  • Caída de objetos por agujeros en el suelo de las obras
  • Caída de objetos por huecos de ascensor abiertos

Entre los ejemplos de negligencia que pueden provocar la caída de objetos y escombros se incluyen:

  • Trabajadores mal formados
  • Incumplimiento de las normas de seguridad
  • No seguir las precauciones de seguridad o utilizar dispositivos de protección contra la caída de objetos y escombros.

Las lesiones más frecuentes relacionadas con los andamios son las siguientes:

OSHA Protections & Rights for Scaffold Workers

Fortunately, construction workers have greater legal protection than workers in most other states. In addition to OSHA regulations, state laws also provide special protection to construction workers injured while involved in the demolition, repair, or construction of commercial buildings. The following outlines specific sections of laws that protect construction workers.

  • Los andamios deben someterse a una inspección adecuada y a una nueva inspección a intervalos especificados.
  • Los empleados deben ser instruidos sobre los peligros de utilizar determinados tirantes como protección contra caídas
  • Los andamios deben estar al menos a 3 metros de las líneas eléctricas en todo momento.
  • Se requiere una formación adecuada para todo el personal que vaya a trabajar alrededor o sobre un andamio.
  • No deben utilizarse objetos inestables, como barriles, cajas, ladrillos sueltos o bloques de hormigón, para sostener andamios o tablones.
  • Los andamios deben estar equipados con barandillas, barandillas intermedias y rodapiés.

More details from OSHA about scaffolding can be found here on the OSHA website.

*Some states such as New York have state-specific protections in place for scaffold workers in addition to these OSHA regulations. Learn more about these at the bottom of this page.

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Filing Both Workers’ Compensation & Personal Injury Claims

Workers injured on the job are often hesitant to pursue legal action because they fear they would then be ineligible for workers compensation. Simply put, this is not true.

Recibir un tipo de compensación económica no afecta a la posibilidad de recibir otros tipos. La indemnización por accidente laboral está diseñada para compensar los daños económicos inmediatos y los salarios no percibidos. Las reclamaciones por lesiones personales pueden recuperar daños adicionales aparte de las facturas médicas.

Construction workers compensation while still filing a personal injury claim. However, the process is challenging and often aggressively contested, which is why it is in the best interest of the victim (or surviving loved ones) to hire a lawyer. Note that a worker’s compensation claim has its own timeline different from a personal injury claim. Deadlines have shorter windows with specific requirements that need to be paid close attention to.  More details and a clear guide to worker’s compensation can be found here.  

Demandas por lesiones de peatones en accidentes de andamios 

Pedestrian victims have other legal options for filing a personal injury claim after a scaffold accident. Pedestrians or bystanders have the right to file lawsuits against a number of parties including general contractors, sub-contractors, building owners, managing agents, the company that provided the scaffold equipment, and construction companies.

Las víctimas pueden solicitar una indemnización por daños y perjuicios, entre otros:

  • Gastos médicos
  • Pérdida de ingresos y prestaciones
  • Hospitalización 
  • Coste del tratamiento de rehabilitación
  • Lesiones permanentes
  • Discapacidades
  • Equipos de movilidad
  • Disminución de la capacidad de ganancia
  • Daños no económicos, como dolor y sufrimiento

Las personas que han perdido a un ser querido en este tipo de accidentes también pueden presentar una demanda por homicidio culposo contra las partes culpables.

Contact a Scaffolding Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you know was injured in a scaffolding accident, contact the accident attorneys at Sobo & Sobo online for a free consultation, or call 855-GOT-SOBO. We have over 50 years of experience helping injured victims win settlements for these types of accidents across New York, New Jersey and Chicago, IL

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New York State Protections for Scaffold Workers

New York is unique in providing its own state-sanctioned protections for scaffold workers who are hurt due to on-site negligence, including:

New York Labor Law 200 (Common Law Negligence)

Unique to the state of New York, their Common Law Negligence policy mandates that construction company owners and contractors exercise “reasonable precautions” to foster a safe work environment. This means that all equipment, machinery, and other devices must be “operated and guarded in a safe manner” allowing reasonable protection for construction workers. This law also provides protection for visitors to the job site, requiring things such as hard hats, adequate lighting, and guardrails.

Otras obligaciones de los contratistas y propietarios son:

  • Limpieza de escombros o peligros de tropiezo en las aceras
  • Cubrir pasarelas
  • Redirigir a los peatones lejos de los lugares donde puedan producirse caídas de objetos
  • Reparación de ladrillos o piedras sueltas en un edificio

Derecho laboral de Nueva York 240

Called the Scaffolding Law, section 240 specifically protects the rights of workers injured in a fall or due to a falling object striking them. In this case, “construction” is defined as “the erection, demolition, repairing, altering, painting, cleaning or pointing of a building.” A building can include structures such as boats, bridges, garages, subway tunnels and water towers.

This law imposes strict liability against the owner of the property and any of their agents. All contractors, construction companies, and property owners must provide and enforce the use of proper protection equipment. Examples of protection equipment include:

  • Cascos
  • Arneses
  • Polipastos
  • Permanece
  • Escaleras
  • Eslingas
  • Poleas

Además, el artículo 240 también establece que:

  • Los andamios situados a más de 20 pies del suelo o del piso deberán tener una barandilla de seguridad debidamente asegurada.
  • Todos los andamios deben ser capaces de soportar su propio peso y al menos cuatro veces la carga prevista, sin fallar.

La Ley del Andamio y la Responsabilidad Absoluta

New York State is the only state to impose an absolute liability standard on gravity-related construction accidents. This means that property owners and managers can be held fully responsible for any gravity-related injury, even if the worker failed to use the provided safety equipment. They are responsible for enforcing the safety regulations, not just providing protective gear.