The personal injury law firm of Sobo & Sobo began right here in Middletown in 1969. For over 50 years, we have established ourselves as Middletown’s most trusted name in injury law. Our local reputation has allowed us to grow into the nationally-recognized firm we are today, while remaining committed to our values of compassion, transparency and honesty.

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Personal Injury Firm

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Types of Injury Lawsuits Covered

Our Middletown injury attorneys can take on any case where a client is injured by someone else’s negligence.

Here are are a few common examples handled by our local legal teams:

  • Car Accidents: Injuries from car crashes due to reckless driving, DUI, or other forms of negligence.
    • Example: Rear-end collisions, head-on crashes, and side-impact accidents.
  • Slip and Falls: Injuries from slips, trips, and falls due to unsafe property conditions.
    • Example: Wet floors, uneven surfaces, and inadequate lighting.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Severe brain injuries caused by impact or violent shaking.
    • Example: Concussions, contusions, and diffuse axonal injuries.
  • Broken/Fractured Bones: Injuries resulting in broken or fractured bones from various types of accidents.
    • Example: Fractures from falls, car accidents, and sports injuries.
  • Motorcycle Accidents: Injuries resulting from motorcycle crashes, which can be particularly severe due to the lack of protection.
    • Example: Single-bike accidents, collisions with other vehicles, and lane-splitting incidents.
  • Bicycle Accidents: Cases involving cyclists hit by negligent drivers, often leading to serious injuries.
    • Example: Doorings, right-hook accidents, and bike lane intrusions.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Injuries to pedestrians struck by vehicles, frequently leading to significant harm.
    • Example: Crosswalk accidents, backing-up incidents, and distracted driving collisions.
  • Truck Accidents: Severe injuries from collisions with commercial trucks, often involving complex liability issues.
    • Example: Jackknife accidents, rollovers, and underride collisions.
  • Workplace Accidents: Injuries sustained on the job, including construction accidents and industrial injuries.
    • Example: Falls from heights, machinery accidents, and exposure to harmful substances.
  • Dog Bites: Injuries from dog attacks, often involving specific local laws.
    • Example: Severe bites, infections, and emotional trauma.
  • Premises Liability: Injuries occurring on someone else’s property due to unsafe conditions.
    • Example: Broken stairs, unsecured swimming pools, and negligent security.
  • Wrongful Death: Cases where a loved one has died due to another’s negligence.
    • Example: Fatal car crashes, workplace fatalities, and medical malpractice resulting in death.

How Middletown Injury Lawyers are Paid

Sobo & Sobo’s payment structure for injury legal services is designed to provide clients with maximum financial flexibility and peace of mind. Our injury lawyers are only paid if they win their client’s case. Their fee comes from a portion of the settlement, ensuring that clients do not have to worry about any upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses.

This approach ensures their lawyers stay motivated to win the largest possible settlements for their clients, as their payment depends on the resulting amounts. Most importantly, this allows clients to focus on their recovery without the added stress of upfront and hidden legal fees.

Recent Injury Settlements
Won in Middletown, NY

Here are a few recent examples of recent injury settlements won for Middletown clients:

  • Car Accident: $500,000 settlement for a rear-end collision resulting in whiplash and back injuries.
  • Slip and Fall: $300,000 settlement for a fall at a local grocery store causing a broken hip.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A pedestrian was struck by a vehicle while crossing a busy intersection in Middletown, resulting in a traumatic brain injury. The victim required extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Settlement value: $150,000.
  • Broken Bones: A cyclist was hit by a car on a residential street in Middletown, resulting in multiple broken bones, including a fractured collarbone and ribs. The victim needed surgery and physical therapy. Settlement value: $120,000.
  • Motorcycle Accident: $750,000 settlement for a motorcyclist hit by a distracted driver.
  • Pedestrian Accident: $600,000 settlement for a pedestrian struck by a speeding vehicle.
  • Truck Accident: $1.2 million settlement for a severe injury case involving a commercial truck.

Disclaimer: Past results do not guarantee future outcomes. Names and events have been changed to protect our clients’ privacy. Each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. Speak with a Middletown injury attorney today for a free case evaluation.

Personalized Care for Middletown Clients

Our Middletown injury attorneys win by taking every opportunity to ensure their clients are well-informed, comfortable, and achieving the results they need throughout the legal process.

Our injury attorneys work to make the legal process simple and stress free.

  • 24/7 Support: From the moment you contact us, we provide personalized care and guidance around the clock. Our team is always available to answer your questions, provide updates, and ensure you feel supported.
  • Local Knowledge: With decades of experience in Middletown, we know the local laws and court systems. This knowledge helps us effectively represent your interests and maximize your compensation.
  • Strong Relationships: We have built strong relationships with local courts, medical professionals, and experts, which are invaluable in building a strong case.
  • Simplifying the Process: We ensure the legal process is as straightforward as possible, allowing you to focus on healing. We handle all the paperwork, negotiations, and court appearances.
  • No Upfront Fees: Our clients never have to pay out of pocket; we only get paid if we win your case.
  • Comprehensive Case Management: We manage every aspect of your case, from evidence collection to court representation.
  • Expert Negotiators: We negotiate with insurance companies to secure the best possible settlements for our clients.
  • Regular Updates: We keep you informed about the progress of your case with regular updates.
  • Client-Focused Approach: Your well-being is our priority, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs.
  • Experience and Results: Our extensive experience and proven track record ensure that you receive the best possible representation.

Speak with a Middletown, NY Personal Injury Lawyer

Learn the value of your case today by speaking with one of our Middletown personal injury lawyers in a free consultation. Contact us at 855-468-7626 to speak with a committed accident attorney, or fill out a contact form, and one of our representatives will promptly get back to you.

With over 50 years of experience assisting victims in Middletown, our team knows what it takes to win your case and provide a stress-free legal experience.

Sobo & Sobo Personal Injury in Middletown, NY

Before Filing an Injury Claim in Middletown

To streamline the legal process, consider the following steps below.
Note that you can also let an injury lawyer manage most of these tasks for you, ensuring that everything is done correctly and promptly.

  • Gather Evidence: Collect photos, witness statements, and any other relevant information. This documentation is crucial in building a strong case.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Document all injuries and treatments. Medical records serve as important evidence of the extent of your injuries.
  • Report the Incident: Notify relevant authorities and your insurance company. This step is essential for creating an official record of the incident.
  • Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of all expenses and communications related to the accident. This includes medical bills, repair costs, and correspondence with insurance companies.
  • Follow Up on Medical Care: Continue to follow your doctor’s advice and attend all follow-up appointments. Consistent medical care demonstrates the seriousness of your injuries.
  • Avoid Discussing Your Case Publicly: Refrain from discussing details of your case on social media or with anyone other than your lawyer. Public statements can potentially harm your case.
  • Do Not Accept Initial Offers: Avoid accepting any settlement offers made by insurance companies before consulting with your lawyer. These initial offers are often lower than what you may be entitled to.

How Middletown Injury Lawyers are Paid

Sobo & Sobo’s payment structure for injury legal services is designed to provide clients with maximum financial flexibility and peace of mind. Our injury lawyers are only paid if they win their client’s case. Their fee comes from a portion of the settlement, ensuring that clients do not have to worry about any upfront costs or out-of-pocket expenses.

This approach ensures their lawyers stay motivated to win the largest possible settlements for their clients, as their payment depends on the resulting amounts. Most importantly, this allows clients to focus on their recovery without the added stress of upfront and hidden legal fees.

Middletown, NY Injury Statistics

  • Car Accidents: Over 1,000 accidents annually, with a significant percentage resulting in injury.
  • Most Dangerous Intersections: Intersections like East Main Street and Dolson Avenue see a high number of accidents annually.
  • High Traffic Roads: Routes such as Route 211 and Route 17M are known for frequent car accidents due to heavy traffic and speeding.
  • Common Slip and Fall Locations: Shopping centers like the Galleria at Crystal Run and large grocery stores report a high number of slip and fall incidents due to wet floors and crowded aisles.
  • Areas Prone to Pedestrian Accidents: Busy pedestrian zones like downtown Middletown and near schools have a higher incidence of pedestrian accidents.
  • Frequent Bicycle Accident Sites: Roads like Monhagen Avenue and Wickham Avenue are hotspots for bicycle accidents due to inadequate bike lanes and heavy traffic.
  • Common Motorcycle Accident Locations: Route 17 and Route 6 are frequent sites for motorcycle accidents, often due to high speeds and sharp turns.
  • Workplace Injury Hotspots: Construction sites and industrial areas in the outskirts of Middletown report a high number of workplace injuries.
  • Dog Bite Incident Areas: Residential neighborhoods and public parks see numerous dog bite incidents annually, often involving unrestrained pets.
  • Pedestrian Accidents: A steady increase in incidents, with many leading to serious harm.
  • Workplace Injuries: Hundreds of reported cases each year, particularly in construction and manufacturing sectors.